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Stopping damp and penetrating damp

How to stop rising damp?


Depending upon the build of property and the issues causing rising damp, different methods can be used.


Internally, vertical membranes can be applied, or fitted. Cement based tanking solution, such as Vandex, has been the preferred method for the last 40 years. The recent introduction of Newton membrane, a plastic membrane has provided an alternative. These applications are guarantee-able upto 10-30 years depending.


Alternatively, or as well DPC (Damp Proof Course) liquid injections can be applied. Effectiveness, can vary according to the building and its issues. Generally, used in-conjunction with vertical membranes.


Ground levels, externally, should be checked that they have not risen, in particular, with the introduction of raised patios and flower-bed which can cause moisture to go above the DPC (Damp Proof Course) line that was initially fitted in the brickwork during the build.




How to stop penetrating damp?


Cracks in the external rendered walls should be filled and brickwork repointed where mortar is missing. Some buildings might require having the render removed and new render applied.


Rainwater systems should be checked and roofs checked for leaks.


Internally, damp proofing can be fitted - but ideally problems should be sorted internally.

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